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How to Draw Fantasy Art Rpg Maps Pdf

How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps: Step past Step Cartography for Gamers and Fans

Profile Image for Brianna Silva.

Author 3 books 105 followers


February 5, 2017

I learned a lot from this! ^_^ Now I'm excited to work on my ain (official and detailed) fantasy maps very before long! :O

    Profile Image for Sam.

    825 reviews 25 followers

    February thirteen, 2016

    This was a good step by step guide for creating a prissy and detailed map, whether for a fantasy book series or an rpg. It was also a quick read considering it is effectually 80% images.

      Profile Image for Caroline Berg.

      Author 1 volume 21 followers

      August ii, 2020

      I would have loved to accept this volume dorsum when I was in art school, for some of the pen, ink, and techniques. This is very much for beginners, though, so it doesn't go into anything in-depth. I do like how it suggests experimenting to find what works best for you.

      As for the maps themselves, while lovely, they are of the standard western European medieval fantasy type. The elves live in forests, barbarian raiders from the due north (ever the north) are based on vikings, the ancient civilizations are based on Greek and Roman designs, and green-skinned orcs are out for your blood. I understand that is bog-standard fantasy textile, simply information technology would take been nice if it gave visual alternatives to tired tropes.

      Because it is based on western Europe, there aren't sections for how to make interesting deserts, or steppes, or canyons, it basically sticks to mountains, hills, forests, marshes, farmland and seas. There is a nice (though bones) department on heraldry and making shields, banners, and icons for your various cities, holdfasts, and castles. And it covers some interesting edge techniques from the 16th century.

        arts-and-crafts books-with-illustrations dragons
      Profile Image for Candice Landau.

      Author 1 book 9 followers

      Apr 27, 2017

      Y'all don't even need to be an artist to create astonishing fantasy maps. This book will take you through the process, step-past-footstep. I utilize information technology to create maps for the fantasy stories I write.

        Profile Image for Χρύσα Αναστασίου.

        Author v books 95 followers

        Oct 23, 2019

        Great and detailed instructions well-nigh creating an amazing fantasy map! Information technology gave me a lot of ideas and I'll endeavour to implement them on my own map.

          Profile Image for Shaun Hately.

          93 reviews 2 followers

          Edited November 5, 2015

          An excellent resource, only maybe assumes a lilliputian more natural talent than most people accept.

            September 12, 2021


            Compared to previous fine art books I take read (and reviewed here) this volume is far superior. The instructions are unproblematic to follow and the steps are laid out conspicuously with helpful visuals accompanying them.

            Jared Blando does a proficient job laying out the basics of geography likewise equally the aesthetics of cartography. A lot of what y'all read in this volume tin can be hands gleaned elsewhere, but its a nice tool to pull together ideas and wait at them all together. Another valuable example of what Blando has washed here is create samples and demonstrations of what the finished product can look like.

            One criticism I will make virtually the book is that the maps appear to be in a common style. Blando doesn't really flesh out alternatives, more similar variations on a core style. It'due south more complicated than this, but basically the style looks quite reminiscent of the maps in the Lord of the Rings or A Vocal of Ice and Fire with greater visual flourish.

            I think the book may be a useful guide, especially for those who want a solid starting point for their maps and help in how to draw certain features. It would be ideal for perhaps younger artists that need a tool to go started. Still, I remember anyone who has watched tutorial videos and done a lot of exercise will non get very much new here except a user-friendly resource and source of inspiration.

              August xxx, 2019

              This is a surprisingly readable volume about creating maps. The book is pretty dry and procedural, merely easy to follow. At that place is a lot of information, and actually appears to offer advice that only near anyone could execute. There is i problem, the author glosses over details such equally shading visual elements. To people who aren't actually experienced with drawing, it might seem a bit intimidating to showtime adding nuance like shading into a cartoon/illustration. Regardless, if yous're into the fantasy genre, and/or tabletop rpgs, you'll probably going to desire this book in your collection.

                Profile Image for Melanie Neubert.

                Author 5 books two followers

                January 24, 2020

                Schritt für Schritt zur eigenen (sinnvollen) Karte. Ich habe die ersten Versuche ohne Vorwissen gemacht. Genau so sah es auch aus - Laienhaft.
                Das Buch hat mir viel Inspiration gegeben, die Wichtigkeit von einfachen Strichen für Tiefe gezeigt, dass ich mittlerweile (bei Versuch 5) fast schon zufrieden bin.
                Noch schöner ist nur das andere Kartenbuch des Autors, wo er sich vermehrt um dice Zeichnung von Städten und Dörfern beschäftigt. Eine AUGENWEIDE!
                ICH LIEBE ES!

                  Profile Image for Nicholas.

                  7 reviews

                  March 25, 2019

                  Clear, easy to follow and when yous add all of the piffling pieces together you get absolutely incredible results that you lot can refine and personalise over time to get what you want.

                  Absolutely invaluable!


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